Outbound Recruiting: Rewriting The Rules of Recruitment
JANUARY 25, 2022 3 min read
Why We Rebranded from Hiretual to hireEZ
Written by Steven Jiang, CEO and Co-Founder of hireEZThe greatest ideas in the world often leave us saying one thing:
“I wish I had thought of that before.”
These ideas lead to billion-dollar companies. They unite people across the globe. And, most importantly, they become fundamental parts of our daily life.
Today, we’re giving you the chance to embrace an idea that will do just that. But before we get to the idea, let’s unpack the issue it’s going to address.
If you’ve been online at any point in the past year, you’ve read the headlines concerning “talent shortages,” “the Great Resignation,” and “hiring difficulties.” Without a doubt, economic circumstances and the current talent market are putting immense pressure on the talent acquisition industry.
While pressure can make diamonds, it’s instead made talent professionals pull their hair out and lose countless hours of sleep.
Yet, there’s something that those headlines always fail to mention.
Talent professionals are also at fault for how things are.
Over a decade ago, when there were more people available than jobs, it was easy to attract hundreds of applicants with a single job posting or an online message.
A decade later with more jobs than people, recruiters are doing the exact same thing.
What we’re about to say might hurt, but it’s important to hear it:
If you’re posting jobs on LinkedIn and Indeed and sending talent InMails, you might as well not be recruiting.
Even those that have veered away from this approach are hopelessly trying to expand their team sizes and invest in marketing, sourcing, and engagement tools to overcome their biggest hiring problems. What most of them don’t realize is that those individual systems and strategies will not work in today’s market and will instead make their hiring process even more inefficient and complicated.
If you read closely, you’d notice a commonality between the functions described above that so many are reliant upon: LinkedIn, Indeed, InMails, and individual systems.
That common thread is the word “in.”
Today, there’s too much reliance on waiting for talent, tools, and results to come IN, rather than going OUT and getting them.
So we’re saying “out” with the “in,” and “in” with the “out.”
And that “out” is Outbound Recruiting.
At its core, outbound recruiting represents a shift in mindset and approach from previously passive to presently proactive.
This proactive approach puts recruiters in control of:
- bringing jobs to people and building meaningful talent relationships
- identifying target talent and engaging with them — not “spraying and praying” online
- assessing and successfully addressing DE&I shortcomings in their organization
- utilizing real-time data to inform recruitment strategies and hiring progress
The result of embracing outbound recruiting? Recruiters' jobs become easier and they are empowered to connect organizations with their most valuable asset: people.
With hireEZ by your side, you won’t be saying, “I wish I had thought of this idea before.”
You’ll be saying, “I’m glad I joined when I did.”
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